Here we show the Qoran verses relating to peace, namely the claim that Islam is a religion of peaces. and delivered by the method of preaching was polite and no coercion at all, in fact in this verse Al Quran should not be delivered a piece, but the author does not intend to obscure its meaning but for the sake of enlightenment to the people especially to ourbrother in the west.Is understanding that Islam is teroris.That opinion is the painful and hurt the feelings of Muslims around the world.Therefore the authors in this case wanted to straighten that opinion.
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. "(Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 256)"
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. "(Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 256)"
There is a history
of falling for this paragraph, a man named Abu al-Husain ibn Salim family of
Bani Awf had two boys who had converted to Christianity before the Prophet
Muhammad. was sent by God as a prophet. Then the children came to Madina (after
the advent of Islam), then their father always asked them to convert to Islam,
and he said to them, "I will not let you alone, until you convert to
Islam." They then complained to the Messenger of Allah perkaranva it. and
their father said, "What part of my body will go to hell?" Then this
verse came down, and their father to let them remain in the religion of the
So, it is not justified coercion. Our duty is only to convey God's religion to people in a way that is good and full of wisdom, and with reasonable advices so they converted to Islam with their own consciousness and volition.
If we have submitted to them in that way but they do not also want to believe in it is none of our business but Allah. We should not force them. In another verse Allah swt. has said that it means, "Do you want to force them until they become the people who believe?"
With the advent of Islam, the right path is clearly visible and distinguishable from the wrong path. So should not the coercion of faith because faith is the belief in the hearts and nobody can force your heart to believe a thing if he is not willing.
Quranic verses that explain Muhammad's prophethood. it's pretty obvious. So whatever to any person whether he will believe or disbelieve after we deliver the verses to them. This is the ethical message of Islam. The voices that say that Islam is developed by the sword is just sheer nonsense and slander. Muslims in Mecca before migrating to Medina just to pray in a way hidden and they do not want to do demonstratively against the infidels. This verse was revealed about the third year after the Hijrah, after the Muslims have real strength and their numbers have increased a lot, but they are not allowed to use force against those who are not Muslims, let alone both subtle coercion by force.
The war has done Muslims, both in the Arabian Peninsula as well as in other countries such as Egypt, Persia and so on, it is simply an act of self-defense against attacks on the infidels to them, and to secure the propagation of Islam . So that the disbelievers may be stopped from injustice, slander and disturbing Muslims because they adhere to and implement their religion and that the infidels were able to appreciate the personal freedom and human rights in the embrace faith.
In areas that have been controlled by the Muslims, the people who have embraced Islam given the right and freedom to choose whether they will embrace Islam or will remain in their religion. If they choose to remain in the original religion, then they are required to pay the "jizya", a kind of tax as a proportion of the protections afforded to their Islamic government. And fully guarantee their safety in their home do not perform actions that are hostile to Islam and Muslims.
This is also a clear evidence that Muslims do not use force, even while respecting freedom of religion, although the minorities are in the areas of their power. Instead we can see from the evidence of history, both in the past, and in modern times today, how unfortunately the fate of Muslims when they become the minority in a country.
This verse further explained that anyone who no longer believe in tagut, or no longer worship the image, or anything else, but the faith and worship of God alone, so he had to get a solid grip, like a strong rope will not break off. And true faith is a faith that believed in the heart, the tongue and accompanied by deeds. That is why, by the end of the verse, Allah says which means, "God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." This means that God always hear what was said, and he then knew what was believed to be in the heart, and what is done by the members of the body. And Allah will reward someone charities according to their faith, their words and their deeds.
So, it is not justified coercion. Our duty is only to convey God's religion to people in a way that is good and full of wisdom, and with reasonable advices so they converted to Islam with their own consciousness and volition.
If we have submitted to them in that way but they do not also want to believe in it is none of our business but Allah. We should not force them. In another verse Allah swt. has said that it means, "Do you want to force them until they become the people who believe?"
With the advent of Islam, the right path is clearly visible and distinguishable from the wrong path. So should not the coercion of faith because faith is the belief in the hearts and nobody can force your heart to believe a thing if he is not willing.
Quranic verses that explain Muhammad's prophethood. it's pretty obvious. So whatever to any person whether he will believe or disbelieve after we deliver the verses to them. This is the ethical message of Islam. The voices that say that Islam is developed by the sword is just sheer nonsense and slander. Muslims in Mecca before migrating to Medina just to pray in a way hidden and they do not want to do demonstratively against the infidels. This verse was revealed about the third year after the Hijrah, after the Muslims have real strength and their numbers have increased a lot, but they are not allowed to use force against those who are not Muslims, let alone both subtle coercion by force.
The war has done Muslims, both in the Arabian Peninsula as well as in other countries such as Egypt, Persia and so on, it is simply an act of self-defense against attacks on the infidels to them, and to secure the propagation of Islam . So that the disbelievers may be stopped from injustice, slander and disturbing Muslims because they adhere to and implement their religion and that the infidels were able to appreciate the personal freedom and human rights in the embrace faith.
In areas that have been controlled by the Muslims, the people who have embraced Islam given the right and freedom to choose whether they will embrace Islam or will remain in their religion. If they choose to remain in the original religion, then they are required to pay the "jizya", a kind of tax as a proportion of the protections afforded to their Islamic government. And fully guarantee their safety in their home do not perform actions that are hostile to Islam and Muslims.
This is also a clear evidence that Muslims do not use force, even while respecting freedom of religion, although the minorities are in the areas of their power. Instead we can see from the evidence of history, both in the past, and in modern times today, how unfortunately the fate of Muslims when they become the minority in a country.
This verse further explained that anyone who no longer believe in tagut, or no longer worship the image, or anything else, but the faith and worship of God alone, so he had to get a solid grip, like a strong rope will not break off. And true faith is a faith that believed in the heart, the tongue and accompanied by deeds. That is why, by the end of the verse, Allah says which means, "God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." This means that God always hear what was said, and he then knew what was believed to be in the heart, and what is done by the members of the body. And Allah will reward someone charities according to their faith, their words and their deeds.
And had your Lord
willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, [O
Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers?
"(Surah Yunus
[10]: 99)"
"And if thy Lord willed, all the people have faith in the face of the earth. Because of that, why have thou compel men to believe in all of them?" 100 next verse: "No one would believe, but by the permission of Allah." That is, for the believer needs the green light from God, according to this verse. Without the approval of the All Permission Giver, faith is not going to happen. Therefore, according to this Makkiyyah letter, any compulsion to believe, much less smooth rough, completely violating the provisions of God.
The mission expressed that people would believe, is clearly a religious obligation. But in the process it's propaganda, coercion prohibited. Actually, if you're honest, among the most effective methods of propaganda is propaganda by deed example. No far-away look for examples. In an RT, for example, there are two Muslim families who became the talk of the surrounding community in a positive sense, whereas the majority of non-Muslim environment. The person is friendly, polite, likes to give everyone, not bound by religion embraced. Her performance was genuine, natural, all authentically as a sign of high confidence. If there is a death in the RT, the Muslim family was quick to step in to lend a hand what is possible. World slander dijauhinya. Punishing those who are the same religion but disagree in the interpretation, taboo for him. Relativity man to capture the absolute is primarily in the grip of religion. All people RT it would feel very lost if two Muslim families were moved to another place. Everywhere is heard saying: "Oh, why so and so was moved from our environment, when we desperately need in order to stay with us here, even if we are different religions."
The example I gave is not something alien, everything empirical, can be done by anyone, whatever religion she embraced. If anyone is interested then follow the religion of the two Muslim families that consciously, with no signs of duress, it may be God's permission to believe it is being enacted. The example shown two Muslim families was merely a means for the discharge permit. No more than that.
I had the typical experience of a similar case, when I went to college with Fazlur Rahman at the University of Chicago. College students who participate come from various religions: Catholic, Protestant, Shinto, Jewish, and Muslim. With a very strong self-confidence, Rahman throughout his lecture that there is no shadow of a Muslim student. Maybe Rahman argues, than add followers, the better the number of Muslims in the world than a billion was upgraded.
But, what happened? Some non-Muslim students, who I heard later was a Muslim or a Muslim, something that was not intended Rahman during a lecture. Depth lecture method, objective, no-nonsense, seems to have nested quietly in the brains and hearts of the students. So, what's happening there. God apparently valid permit in ways that were unintended. Of course it is in heaven smiling Rahman witnessed what happened to a number of former students, some are my classmates. Therefore, you should not be too eager to 'conquer' the world so that believers like you. Let the process run naturally. Is not quality is far more important quantity if the quantity is not more than the weight of history?
Two examples, RT and Rahman, may be used as an afterthought: one for the grass roots, the other to a higher level. But remember, Rahman never permissible blood in Pakistan, his homeland, by their religious insight and humanity was limited to the roof of speech, or the farthest extent of his yard. The saying goes: "If you hook an inch long, do not want suspected sea!" Let us learn together from a variety of sources to exchange ideas in a polite, honest, and profound. Our greatest enemy is the shallowness and hogging nature of truth.
And say, "The
truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills
- let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire
whose walls will surround them. And if they call for relief, they will be
relieved with water like murky oil, which scalds [their] faces. Wretched is the
drink, and evil is the resting place. "(Surah Al-Kahf [18]: 29)"
the Prophet Muhammad should not be affected by the infidels with the lure of
worldly, much less their hearts actually neglected by Allah. This is related to
the willingness of the authorities stating Quraish accepted Islam that the
Prophet would expel companions loely worldly dignity as Bilal, Suhaib, Ammar,
and Ibn Mas'ud Khabbab or there for their own assemblies. Their desire is not
to be obeyed because of the nature of Islamic proselytizing is not to lick
someone. Da'wah would just wake up and carefully to God with a sincere and pure
for Him, it is present in His word: And be patient along with those who call on
their Lord morning and evening, God expects of His good pleasure. Do not turn
your eyes from them (because) expects jewelry life of this world and do not
follow people whose hearts have we neglected from remembering Us, and lust and
circumstances that are over the limit. And say: "truth that comes from
God. Anyone who wants to (faith), let him believe, and whosoever wants (infidels),
let the infidels
We will show them Our
signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that
it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over
all things, a Witness? "(Surah
Fusshilat [41]: 53)
But if Allah had
willed, they would not have associated. And We have not appointed you over them
as a guardian, nor are you a manager over them.
"(Surah Al-An` am [6]:
Then Allah swt. a statement
that if only Allah swt. willing to make all men believe in Him, surely no one
is idolatrous.
In the human soul there is
talent to be believers and unbelievers, disobedient and ungodly. And humans
have been given the right to vote (effort) talents that exist in humans that
can be developed in accordance with scientific and charitable man himself, who
at the time of death to choose actions which must be done, Fight two kinds of
impulse, the impulse to commit acts good and the drive to do something ugly. If
people choose actions by following a good push, they will see the light of
truth. But if they follow the bad impulses, they would be lost in the darkness.
Allah swt. asserts that the Prophet. not given the power to become their caretaker.
Prophet. just invite to goodness, so if they did not accept the invitation, as
it follows a bad impulse, surely it will not call they receive, and they are
still wallowing in sleaze.
At the end of this verse Allah
swt. corroborate his explanation that the Prophet was not sent to take care of
them, that he was not given the power to deal with their circumstances or
change will be sent to them in their choices; case it is their own business,
because they have been given the right to vote to determine the their own
And in yourselves.
Then will you not see? (Surah
Al-Dzariyat [51] :20-21)
In this verse, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala tells us that the earth and there are verses that show signs of
greatness creator, ability. Among those who have been created in it are the
various kinds of plants, animals, mountains, deserts, dust, oceans, and rivers.
So also among the verses found in humans
is the composition of the human body organ takes place regularly, the wide
range of languages, skin colors, the diversity of the intellect,
understanding, body movement, nature, and human power. Beginnings of creation
of a drop of sperm, then a blood clot, then a lump of flesh, then made the
bones, then blowed soul into it. Suddenly he could hear and see, and then he
was removed from the mother's abdomen in a small state, force and motion is
weak. Then when increasing age increases strength and movement, until he could
build a town and fort, picnic areas stricken earth, find and collect treasures.
He has thoughts, opinions, knowledge that each according to his ability.
Glorified be Allah from the ability, and the way they act in a variety of livelihood.
And the difference between their level in science, mind, wealth, poverty and
Say, "O People
of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we
will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take
one another as lords instead of Allah ." But if they turn away, then say,
"Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].(Surah Ali 'Imran [3]: 64)
This provision was agreed by
everyone, and can be proven, Ibrahim sent by God to bring unity of religion as
brought by the Prophet Moses as contained in the Torah: God said to Moses'
"Behold, God is your God, ye have no other god beside my, do not you make
a sculpture statues, and do not make any description of what is contained in
the heavens and on earth, as well as those contained in the water. thou shalt
not bow down to statues and pictures and do not devote themselves to him.
O mankind, indeed We
have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you
may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is
the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Surah
Al-Hujurat [49]: 13)
emula man one people, then into
tribes and nation-state. The divisions of the human race as well as disputes
and differences of interests. "People are used to only one people, then they
are at odds." (10/Yunus: 19) That is, the original humans live in harmony,
united in a religion as a family. But after they breed and have different
interests, comes an assortment of beliefs that cause disunity. Therefore Allah
sent the Prophet brought the revelations and giving directions to them.
Mankind was [of] one
religion [before their deviation]; then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of
good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to
judge between the people concerning that in which they differed. And none
differed over the Scripture except those who were given it - after the clear
proofs came to them - out of jealous animosity among themselves. And Allah
guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had
differed, by His permission. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.
"(Surah Al
-Baqarah [2]: 213)
Man was a human one. The faith and deeds of the goals,
which is to improve and not to harm, do good and not evil, to be fair and not do injustice.
Then they turn around and do the opposite, and there is no unity of belief and opinion among them, who bring them to happiness, then they are at odds, crumbled.
To return them to their original state, united in the truth of God Almighty. sent prophets, human choices that lead them to the right path, give instructions for the mistake he had done enough, delivering glad tidings to those who believe and obey that they will get a reply paradise in the hereafter, and warn the people reneges and ungodly that they will be overwritten torture and a painful punishment in hell later.
Prophets were sent, it is equipped with the heavenly books revealed to them, all of which contain the truth, the instructions are complete explanations that will be the foundation to give consideration and provides the fairest decision for everything that is disputed.
Actually , people no longer need to quarrel, because the book is full of heavenly given real proofs, all of which are known and understood. So what will cause them still blame and assume that he alone is right and the other wrong. This is because the nature of envy and the like offense.
If the malicious nature has implanted in the heart, both individually and as diversified, so it is difficult to obtain peace and well-being among them.
Fortunately for those who believe, due to the will of Allah swt. they have been given guidance to the right path.
Then they turn around and do the opposite, and there is no unity of belief and opinion among them, who bring them to happiness, then they are at odds, crumbled.
To return them to their original state, united in the truth of God Almighty. sent prophets, human choices that lead them to the right path, give instructions for the mistake he had done enough, delivering glad tidings to those who believe and obey that they will get a reply paradise in the hereafter, and warn the people reneges and ungodly that they will be overwritten torture and a painful punishment in hell later.
Prophets were sent, it is equipped with the heavenly books revealed to them, all of which contain the truth, the instructions are complete explanations that will be the foundation to give consideration and provides the fairest decision for everything that is disputed.
Actually , people no longer need to quarrel, because the book is full of heavenly given real proofs, all of which are known and understood. So what will cause them still blame and assume that he alone is right and the other wrong. This is because the nature of envy and the like offense.
If the malicious nature has implanted in the heart, both individually and as diversified, so it is difficult to obtain peace and well-being among them.
Fortunately for those who believe, due to the will of Allah swt. they have been given guidance to the right path.
And do not argue with
the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who
commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been
revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are
Muslims [in submission] to Him." "(Surah Al-Ankabut [29]: 46)
The Qur'an also tells in
detail the story of the prophet mujadalah done in other papers, for
example, the story of the Namrudz discussion between Abraham, Moses with Pharaoh and the other prophets. Once the importance of this tradition, to
the extent that the Qur'an also set procedures and etiquette in civilized debate. Mujadalah tales also
contained in historical
documents, both mentioned in
the Sunnah, atsar and historical documents lainnya.Tradisi muqaranah, muhadzarah, and mujadalah is a tradition kept
until now. In fact, the Qur'an emphatically denounce the unbelievers who do not want to do mujadalah or muqaranah with the
Prophet in matters of faith.
And do not insult
those they invoke other than Allah , lest they insult Allah in enmity without
knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to
their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do. (Surah Al-An`
am [6]: 108)
Allah forbade Muslims worshiped
idols swearing the mushrikeen to avoid the occurrence of undesirable things,
that verbal insults against God beyond the limits of the idolaters, because
they are the ones who do not know the attributes of God swt. and titles that
should be spoken to him. There can be those cursing God with words that cause
anger believers.
And this verse can be taken notion that something works when used for the realization of other immoral acts, it ought be abandoned, and all the actions that lead to bad consequences, then the act is forbidden.
And this verse also signaled to the prohibition for the Muslims that they should not do anything that will cause unbelievers added away from the truth.
Cursed idol is actually cursing inanimate objects. Therefore it is not cursed idol sin. However, because it causes the idol cursed the unbelievers felt offended and angry, that eventually they will retaliate by cursing God, forbidden act.
Allah explains that He made every nation of their own good deeds. This means that both the size and the absence of any act or habit, sometimes arising from man's own judgment, whether it is the act or habit of hereditary or actions and habits that have just emerged, such as the offended feelings of unbelievers when there are people who curse their idols.
This suggests that the standard by which the act or habit is good or bad, is included issues ikhtiyari
.It's just that in addition Allah has given instinct in human beings to judge the deeds and habits, whether it includes actions and habits good or bad. While the task is to convey the revelation that Apostle guide and direct those talents to flourish as it should be to the right path so that they can assess the actions and habits that a correct assessment.
At the end of this verse Allah explains that the whole man will return to God after they die, on the Day of Resurrection, because He is the true God and He will declare all the deeds that they do in the world, and will give you a reply in kind.
Regarding the verse because the decline is related as follows: Once the Muslims cursing idols, pagans worshiped, then they are prohibited from cursing it. (History Abdurrazak from Qatadah)
Abdurrazzaq has said, "Mu'ammar told us by Qatadah. Qatadah been told that once the Muslims are cursed idols infidels, the infidels finally returned cursing Allah, then Allah swt. Lowering the word him, 'And do not curse god-god they worship besides Allah. " (Al-An'am Q.S. 108)
According to the Az Zajjaj that banned people cursed the idols worshiped the idolaters.
And this verse can be taken notion that something works when used for the realization of other immoral acts, it ought be abandoned, and all the actions that lead to bad consequences, then the act is forbidden.
And this verse also signaled to the prohibition for the Muslims that they should not do anything that will cause unbelievers added away from the truth.
Cursed idol is actually cursing inanimate objects. Therefore it is not cursed idol sin. However, because it causes the idol cursed the unbelievers felt offended and angry, that eventually they will retaliate by cursing God, forbidden act.
Allah explains that He made every nation of their own good deeds. This means that both the size and the absence of any act or habit, sometimes arising from man's own judgment, whether it is the act or habit of hereditary or actions and habits that have just emerged, such as the offended feelings of unbelievers when there are people who curse their idols.
This suggests that the standard by which the act or habit is good or bad, is included issues ikhtiyari
.It's just that in addition Allah has given instinct in human beings to judge the deeds and habits, whether it includes actions and habits good or bad. While the task is to convey the revelation that Apostle guide and direct those talents to flourish as it should be to the right path so that they can assess the actions and habits that a correct assessment.
At the end of this verse Allah explains that the whole man will return to God after they die, on the Day of Resurrection, because He is the true God and He will declare all the deeds that they do in the world, and will give you a reply in kind.
Regarding the verse because the decline is related as follows: Once the Muslims cursing idols, pagans worshiped, then they are prohibited from cursing it. (History Abdurrazak from Qatadah)
Abdurrazzaq has said, "Mu'ammar told us by Qatadah. Qatadah been told that once the Muslims are cursed idols infidels, the infidels finally returned cursing Allah, then Allah swt. Lowering the word him, 'And do not curse god-god they worship besides Allah. " (Al-An'am Q.S. 108)
According to the Az Zajjaj that banned people cursed the idols worshiped the idolaters.
Except for those who
take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who
come to you, their hearts strained at [the prospect of] fighting you or
fighting their own people. And if Allah had willed, He could have given them
power over you, and they would have fought you. So if they remove themselves
from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, then Allah has not made for
you a cause [for fighting] against them. "(Surah AN-Nisa [4]: 90)
Therefore, it is in this verse Allah
commanded Muslims to action "charming and kill" was not done to the
people as follows:
Disbelievers who left their original groups hostile to Islam and Muslims, then they go to the group asking for the protection of infidels others who have entered into a treaty with the Muslims. In this case the Muslims are not allowed charming or kill them because they have equated law with unbelievers shelter where they had entered into a treaty with the Muslims. The Muslims have to respect the peace agreement has been made, even though the unbelievers during their break.
The unbelievers who come to the Muslims to make peace. They do not want to fight the Muslims because of their desire for peace. In the meantime, they are also not willing to help the Muslims to fight the unbelievers others, because the possibility of the unbelievers is still their kinsfolk, or partly their families still live with it. The people of this kind should also not be captured and killed by the Muslims. The provisions of this can be seen how unfair laws Koran. The Muslims should respect the treaty or agreement has been made with the unbelievers as long as they continue to respect and fulfill the agreement. it. It may be hard for some Muslims to resist the two groups mentioned above, such as the fact that they still are. the society of unbelievers, or because they are not willing to help the Muslims to fight infidels other against them. Therefore Allah warned the Muslims to His mercy that He has eliminated the danger that might arise from such people against the Muslims. Had Allah willed, He gives strength to the disbelievers to fight the Muslims, for example by showing them the weaknesses of the Muslims, allowing the infidels fight and defeat the Muslims. However, Allah has bestowed His grace, so that these hazards do not occur. In return, the Muslims must refrain against them.
At the end of this verse Allah reiterated His ban Muslims. for charming and kill infidels of both groups mentioned above, if they really have nothing against Islam and Muslims and always maintain peace. If the Muslims to fight them, maybe it will move them to develop strength to face the Muslims. This verse is the basis of the "law of asylum" in Islam. (Except for the people who contacted) means ask for protection (to a people whom between you and them no peace treaty) included with their allies as had occurred between the Prophet. with bin Hilal Al-Aslami Uwaimir (or) people who (come to) while (be they objected) to (fought) with their families (or wage war against them) with you; meaning not want to fight with you or with the them, so do not seize or kill them. (Had Allah willed) that they own you (surely He will make them power over you) is by encouraging them (so they must have fought) but Allah not willed so, then blown him into their hearts fear and shriveled. (But if they let you and do not fight you just declare peace unto you) means that they are subject (God does not give way to you) to the charming and kill them.
Disbelievers who left their original groups hostile to Islam and Muslims, then they go to the group asking for the protection of infidels others who have entered into a treaty with the Muslims. In this case the Muslims are not allowed charming or kill them because they have equated law with unbelievers shelter where they had entered into a treaty with the Muslims. The Muslims have to respect the peace agreement has been made, even though the unbelievers during their break.
The unbelievers who come to the Muslims to make peace. They do not want to fight the Muslims because of their desire for peace. In the meantime, they are also not willing to help the Muslims to fight the unbelievers others, because the possibility of the unbelievers is still their kinsfolk, or partly their families still live with it. The people of this kind should also not be captured and killed by the Muslims. The provisions of this can be seen how unfair laws Koran. The Muslims should respect the treaty or agreement has been made with the unbelievers as long as they continue to respect and fulfill the agreement. it. It may be hard for some Muslims to resist the two groups mentioned above, such as the fact that they still are. the society of unbelievers, or because they are not willing to help the Muslims to fight infidels other against them. Therefore Allah warned the Muslims to His mercy that He has eliminated the danger that might arise from such people against the Muslims. Had Allah willed, He gives strength to the disbelievers to fight the Muslims, for example by showing them the weaknesses of the Muslims, allowing the infidels fight and defeat the Muslims. However, Allah has bestowed His grace, so that these hazards do not occur. In return, the Muslims must refrain against them.
At the end of this verse Allah reiterated His ban Muslims. for charming and kill infidels of both groups mentioned above, if they really have nothing against Islam and Muslims and always maintain peace. If the Muslims to fight them, maybe it will move them to develop strength to face the Muslims. This verse is the basis of the "law of asylum" in Islam. (Except for the people who contacted) means ask for protection (to a people whom between you and them no peace treaty) included with their allies as had occurred between the Prophet. with bin Hilal Al-Aslami Uwaimir (or) people who (come to) while (be they objected) to (fought) with their families (or wage war against them) with you; meaning not want to fight with you or with the them, so do not seize or kill them. (Had Allah willed) that they own you (surely He will make them power over you) is by encouraging them (so they must have fought) but Allah not willed so, then blown him into their hearts fear and shriveled. (But if they let you and do not fight you just declare peace unto you) means that they are subject (God does not give way to you) to the charming and kill them.
Allah does not forbid
you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you
from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward
them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. (Surah Al-Mumtahanah [60]: 8)
Allah only forbids
you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes
and aid in your expulsion - [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever
makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers. (Surah
Al-Mumtahanah [60]: 9)
Ibn Abbas al-interpret Sura 60:8-9
Mumtahanah by saying that "Allaah does not forbid to make friends and help
them (the people makkah) who do justice and keep his word to the Prophet and
the companions they are Khuza'ah Bani, the Hilal ibn Uwaimir, khuzainah, madlaj
sons. They have done good to the Apostles before the agreement Hudaibiyah are
not trying to kill him, not take it out of the Makah. But God only forbids to
make friends and help them (Makah expert) who openly expel the Prophet of
Al-Qushayri Mumtahanah interpret Koran 60:8-9 by saying "after God forbids to make friends with unbelievers harbi, then God recommends to befriend the infidel dhimmi who have good morals, want to be friends and beneficial for Muslims, because the real Allah loves those who make friends in all respects ".
According to the Quraish The order of the Koran to hostile unbelievers ago described by (al-Mumtahanh 60:1) may have created the impression that all non-Muslims should be despised. The above verse clearly mentions that Allah does not forbid you to do good in any form for them and also not forbid you to be fair to them. If so, if in their social interactions on the right side, while on the part of any one of you is wrong, then you have to defend and win them.
Conclusion Hasbi of the Koran 60:8-9 Mumtahanah that "God only forbids you faithful consort with people who openly hostile to you, who fight you, who drive you out or help people who cast thee as is done by musrikin Mecca. Some of them try to kick you, and others who help people to get lost. "
Application Koran 60:8-9 significantly Mumtahanah can also be proved by the Prophet as saying by Ibn Thohir Assyria that at the time of the Prophet many non-Muslim tribes who actually work with the Prophet and his face tribal wanted victory Quraish in Mecca. They are like Khuza'ah, Bani al-Harith Ibn Ka'b and Muzainah.
Sayyid Qutb remarked when interpreting the above verse that Islam is a religion of peace, love and faith. He is a system that aims to overshadow the whole of nature with shade the form of peace and love and that all human beings gathered under the banner of God in the position as the brothers knew each other know and love to love.
All of scholars' commentary on the quasi agree that making friends with non-Muslims who do good, to help, to do justice to the Muslims was allowed even encouraged to engage with them in a social level, but do not allow to make friends with those who are light- openly hostile, fight Muslims, or forcibly evict the population of a country.
Al-Qushayri Mumtahanah interpret Koran 60:8-9 by saying "after God forbids to make friends with unbelievers harbi, then God recommends to befriend the infidel dhimmi who have good morals, want to be friends and beneficial for Muslims, because the real Allah loves those who make friends in all respects ".
According to the Quraish The order of the Koran to hostile unbelievers ago described by (al-Mumtahanh 60:1) may have created the impression that all non-Muslims should be despised. The above verse clearly mentions that Allah does not forbid you to do good in any form for them and also not forbid you to be fair to them. If so, if in their social interactions on the right side, while on the part of any one of you is wrong, then you have to defend and win them.
Conclusion Hasbi of the Koran 60:8-9 Mumtahanah that "God only forbids you faithful consort with people who openly hostile to you, who fight you, who drive you out or help people who cast thee as is done by musrikin Mecca. Some of them try to kick you, and others who help people to get lost. "
Application Koran 60:8-9 significantly Mumtahanah can also be proved by the Prophet as saying by Ibn Thohir Assyria that at the time of the Prophet many non-Muslim tribes who actually work with the Prophet and his face tribal wanted victory Quraish in Mecca. They are like Khuza'ah, Bani al-Harith Ibn Ka'b and Muzainah.
Sayyid Qutb remarked when interpreting the above verse that Islam is a religion of peace, love and faith. He is a system that aims to overshadow the whole of nature with shade the form of peace and love and that all human beings gathered under the banner of God in the position as the brothers knew each other know and love to love.
All of scholars' commentary on the quasi agree that making friends with non-Muslims who do good, to help, to do justice to the Muslims was allowed even encouraged to engage with them in a social level, but do not allow to make friends with those who are light- openly hostile, fight Muslims, or forcibly evict the population of a country.
[They are] avid listeners to falsehood,
devourers of [what is] unlawful. So if they come to you, [O Muhammad], judge
between them or turn away from them. And if you turn away from them - never
will they harm you at all. And if you judge, judge between them with justice.
Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. (Surah. Al-Maidah [5]: 42)
Imam Ahmad narrates a hadith as well as Muslim and
besides they both also from Barra bin Azib pathway. He said, "One day
passes in front of the Prophet. Jew in a state stained with charcoal and
scourged. Then the Holy Prophet. Called them, and said to them, 'Is this so you
encounter in your book the punishment for adultery?' They said, 'Yes.' Then he
summoned the most learned (theologian) among them and said to him, 'I beg you in the
name of God who has lowered the Torah to Moses, as this is the case you
encounter in your book the punishment for adultery?' Pious man replied, 'By
Allah, not exactly, if you had not suggested to me that suggests the truth
surely I will not tell you. Actually, you can find the punishment of stoning
for adultery in the book form., However after a lot of the actors adultery from
among those who honored us, we cancel the sentence, if there is someone who is
weak from among us do, then we enforce that penalty had it. Afterwards we
agreed to make a law that can be enforced against a noble and ignoble . Finally
we agreed to set the punishment staining with charcoal and flogging for
adultery. ' After that the Holy Prophet. Said, 'O Allah! Actually I was the
first to revive Thy command after they (People of the Book) off.' Then he ordered
him to be punished by stoning. Afterwards then fell verse, 'O Apostle! Do not
be made sad by those who hasten (showing) their disbelief ...' (Surah Al-Maida
41) up to his words, 'If ye are given this (which has been modified by them),
then accept it ...' (Surah Al-Maida 41). They say, 'Come ye to Muhammad, if he
gave a fatwa you with penalties and punishments staining with charcoal
stripes (for adultery), then obey his will by you., And if given a fatwa to
thee to enforce stoning, then beware you. ' The above verse relates to the
verses thereafter up to his words, 'He who does not punish according to what
Allah hath revealed, they are the unjust people.' "(Surat Al-Maida 45).
Humaidi in the book Musnad summon a hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah line that
says, "There is one man from among the residents of Fadak commit adultery,
then the Fadak sent a letter to the Jews of Medina residents so they asked
Muhammad about the adultery law, 'If Muhammad ordered the flogging sentence,
then take a decision, if the command you to stone the culprit, so do not take
that decision.' Then the Jews were the people of Madinah asked the Prophet.
Concerning the punishment that story as noted earlier. Finally the Holy
Prophet. Ordered that he be sentenced to stoning. After that last verse came
down: "If they (Jews) come to ( to ask for the decision), then decide (the
matter) between them .... "(Al-Midah 42) Imam Baihaki in the
book such as this is also narrated from Abu Hurayrah.
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