Understanding of faith in the scriptures of God is to trust and believe in my heart that Allah SWT has lowered his book to the books of the prophets or apostles that contains God's revelations to be conveyed to all mankind. In the Qur'an mentioned that there are 4 books of God. Torah was revealed to the prophet Moses, the Psalms to David as prophet, the prophet Isa Gospel, and the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Qur'an as the holy book last has always maintained that the privilege of alteration or falsification of authenticity as the word of God follows.

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.(Al-Hijr: 9)
A. Understanding the Book and Suhuf
The Book is a collection of God's revelations given to the apostles to teach humans as a guide and a way of life. Suhuf the revelation given to the apostle, but still in the form of separate sheets.
There are similarities and differences between the book and suhuf
Book and suhuf both revelation from God.
The contents of the book is more complete than the content suhuf
Book recorded while suhuf not recorded.
Allah states that the believer must believe in the scriptures that fell before the Qur'an as the word of God mentioned in the following.

Say, [O believers], "We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."(Surah al-Baqara: 136)
B. Behavior that reflects God's Faith To Book
1. Convinced that the Book of Allah is true comes from God.
2. Making the book of God to Guide (hudan) derived a special book for us
3. Understand the content of the ingredient.
4. Practice in everyday life
Human beings, especially Muslims must believe that Allah SWT has reduced him to the books of the Prophets or Messengers as a way of life for his people respectively. Qur'an as the last Book of Allah and complement previously been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Efforts to understand the content of the content of the Qur'an, there are several steps that we need to live are as follows.
The first phase, we need to know and understand the philosophy of Islam as a religion that gets the pleasure of Allah SWT.
The second phase, we must know the manners reading the Qur'an.
The third stage, we must know that the Qur'an was a lot of chapters or verses containing such imagery or metaphor.
The fourth stage, we have to use common sense when studying and understanding the Qur'an.
Fifth, we must know that in a lot of Qur'an sura or verse of wisdom or can not be directly interpreted, but have implied meaning.
The sixth stage, we must know that the Qur'an was not revealed to pester humans and should put the surah or verses that are easier and firm intention to begin immediately.
Seventh stage, we must know that the verses in the Qur'an is divided into two kinds (Surah Ali Imran: 7): first, muhkamât verses the verses that firm, clear and easy to understand meaning. Muhkamât verses are the main points of the content of the Qur'an to be performed by humans and used as a guide in life. Second, mutashabihat verses are verses that are difficult to understand, and only God knows the meaning and intention.
Eighth stage, we have to run the contents of the content of the Qur'an according to the circumstances and the ability of each (Q. 12: 22, 4: 36, 65: 7, 2: 215, 3: 92, 2: 269).
C. Faith in Wisdom of the Books of God
There are lessons that can contemplated why Allah sent down the Qur'an to mankind which are as follows:Made man no trouble, or that human life be safe, serene, peaceful, prosperous, happy world and the hereafter, and got the pleasure of God to live a life.
Allah says:

To prevent and resolve disputes among fellow human beings caused disagreement and feel proud of what respectively, despite dissent be permitted
Allah says:

As a guidance and a mercy for people who believe and fear

To justify the previous scriptures ( for further information see Surah Al Maida:48)

To inform all people that the previous prophets and messengers have Shariah (rules) and his own way in the worship of God,Allah says

To inform that God does not love his monotheistic religion (Islam) were divided,Allah says:

(Surah Al Mukminun: 52-54),

To inform that the Qur'an contains God's commands, prohibitions of God, the laws of God, exemplary stories and also a collection of information about the fate and sunatullah for all people and a lesson for those who fear Allah.
Qur'an is a collection of instructions of God for all mankind since the Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad SAW is used as a way of life for people who fear of Allah for Islam as long as there reaching heaven and earth (for further information see Surah Maryam: 58, Ali Imran: 33 & 88-85, Shad: 87, and At takwir: 27)Humans want to attain prosperous living survivors, both in the world and in the Hereafter should use the guidelines to live a straight and correct the Qur'an (Surah Maryam further information see: 58, Ali Imran: 33 & 84-85, and At takwir: 27) .
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