Al Qur'anul Karim revealed by Allah swt. the Prophet Muhammad. is to refine guidance to mankind His direction in order to achieve happiness in this world and in the hereafter.
Before the Qur'an was revealed, people have got three kinds of guidance from Allah swt., Namely:
Ilham Fitr
Ilham Fitr is the instructions given by Allah swt. when the man had just been born in this world. With the inspiration of these Fitr newborn can already feel the hunger, fullness, thirst, satisfied, heat, cold, and so forth; may express unpleasant feelings in the same language around the world, the cry, and have the ability to suck and swallow food fed to him. These instructions are intended for the baby could go on in this world. For newborns suppose it is not given the ability as above by the Creator, God Almighty., Then in a relatively short time the baby was dead. So the first clue given for free by the Creator it is for the sake of the man himself, and not at all for the sake of Allah swt. which gives the hint. In surah Ash Shams verse 7, God said:

The Five Senses
For single-celled animals, with only a hint of his Creator, he was able to live and breed well. But for humans, he might not be able to live with the instructions of the first course. For if to adult humans can only cry and sucking it, then who will suckle? Therefore we must give thanks to God Almighty. who love Him, without being asked and without purchase, has been pleased to bestow His direction that both the form of:
Hearing, with ears as his tools.
Vision, with eyes as his tools.
Olfactory, with a nose as his tools.
Taste, with a tongue as his tools.
Touch, with a skin as his tools.
Af'idah or ratios or the mind
For farm animals like buffaloes, cows, goats, etc., with two directions of the Creator, it can live and breed well. But man can not possibly live with two kinds of instructions above. The more senses given by Allah swt. the man has a lot of disadvantages compared to certain animals. In addition, Allah swt. provide certain advantages, such as: fly, run faster, strength, intelligence and others climb to the animals that are not given to humans.
Therefore we must give thanks to God Almighty. that with compassion and grace, without us asking and without we buy, has been pleased to provide a third form of af'idah His direction or ratio or reasoning. In the Qur'an Surah an Nahl verse 78 Allah swt. has said:

With this reasoning, humans can not only distinguish himself with animals, but with a mind possessed, man has been able to create technological tools are very sophisticated and very admirable. Even if the findings would mind now is narrated in the Majapahit era, most likely the person who tells the story is not credible, and even considered crazy. One can imagine the responses and attitudes of people, if at that time no one tells the story that all the events that happen in the world we can see and we see, even though the distance is very far away or thousands of miles, and we also can interview and communicate with others around the world without having to be limited by distance. Whatever it was not possible at that time, is now we can see with our eyes, so it is not surprising that there are some people who because of glare witnessing intelligence reasoning and exceptional human brain, it has been assumed that in order to achieve happiness in life True, man enough to rely on the ability of the mind alone and do not need a religion that they think hinder the progress of the human mind; so religion must be far removed from human life. Such opinions and ideology of secular groups.
However, no matter how intelligent, resourceful and brilliant genius's mind, it has the disadvantage that sense dikiran staple that will never be overcome by the mind itself. The three principal drawbacks are:
Though intelligent human mind, it can not know the essence of the truth. The proof is the number of theories that have been advanced by the truth of the philosophers. Yet we know that the real truth is only one. In addition, every strife, quarrels, fights and wars around the world, the source must have been that each party scrambling right.
Human mind though intelligent, was not able to determine the nature and location of the happiness of life. What is imagined by one person happy life, it turns out after what is imagined is reached, precisely delivered to the misery of life is often prolonged.
Human mind though intelligent, was not able to answer the seven kinds of questions put to him, namely:
Where is the origin of human life on earth before?
Why do people have to live in this world?
Who the hell wants men to live in this world?
For what people actually live in this world?
Why after people already love to live in this world he must die, in case no one wants mortality?
Who actually desire the death of a human being?
After a man dies, his soul separated from his body, where the human soul is gone?
The three kinds of weakness of the human mind the above is a clear proof that humans absolutely need guidance from the Creator of the human mind itself, and not a hint of other than Him.
Therefore we must give thanks to God Almighty., The Creator of man and the universe, who has been pleased to give directions that the four used to refine the third clue. The fourth clue is what is known as the "Ad Deen '(religion), given by Allah swt. to man through the prophets or apostles appointed messenger of God, since the first apostle prophet Adam. up to the last, the Great Prophet Muhammad. While the fourth instructions given to Prophet Muhammad. everything has been collected in a book of scripture, namely Al Qur'anul Karim given freely by God Almighty. without being asked and purchased. And as the first clue to the third, then the fourth clue even this is given by Allah. for the benefit of mankind in the pursuit of happiness. Besides as a guide, Al Qur'anul Karim also serves as an explanation of how to implement the guidelines and as a divider between the right and a false, as Allah says in surah Al Baqarah verse 185 which among other things said:

If the instructions are first up to the fourth given by Allah swt. for free without being asked, then there's more of the instructions were not given for free, but must be asked, namely: "Kasyful Quluub" (veil unfolding liver). These instructions are instructions that the fifth or last given by Allah swt. to humans.
People who have earned the fifth clue, he not only knew the truth of Islam, but he could feel how good it feels to be people who converted to Islam, became believers and worshipers, especially to pray, because prayer is the essence is facing Allah swt. as the words of the Prophet Muhammad. among others, reads:
وجعلت قرة عينى فى الصلاة
... and has made my joy in prayer.
However, these instructions must be requested at least 17 (seventeen) times a day, on every raka'at prayer, when we read the surah Al-Fatihah, the verse reads:

If the request is accompanied by efforts to cleanse the liver of-the-fat trait that despicable mother mentioned by Imam Al Ghozali ten, namely:
Greedy eating
Greed talk
Like mad
Hunks and pleasure treasure
Ambition and snobby
Happy world
Prides itself
Riya '(search for human sympathy with acts of worship)
Then the hearts that have been cleared of disgraceful properties were adorned with praiseworthy traits that parent by Imam Al Ghozali also mentioned as many as ten, namely:
Khouf (worry) and the king '(forward)
SyukurIkhlas and honest
Loving God
Rela Allah's decree
Always remember the dead and virtually
And in each of worship are always trying to focus all attention to the soul to face God Almighty. So when Allah swt. pleased to bestow His direction of the fifth to someone who has been doing business as mentioned above, Allah swt. insert into nur or light that will illuminate his whole heart and body ... and at this moment the person is feeling and delicacy delicacy faith worship.
When was the Qur'an revealed?
The Qur'an was sent down twice, the first 30 chapters as well as derived from the original place (lawh makhfudh) into the sky world, placed in a place called "Baitul 'Izzah' on a famous night as" Lailatul Qadar ", as the word of Allah swt. Surah al-Qadr in paragraph 1 of which reads:

The second is the Qur'an was revealed piecemeal to the Prophet Muhammad. in a period of 22 years, 2 months, and 22 days. Verse of the first down on the 17th Ramadhan at the time was in the cave of Hira 'after he was 40 years old even, are five verses in surah Al' Alaq which reads:

Being the last paragraph down during the Great Prophet Muhammad. Mina is doing the Farewell Pilgrimage (Hajj the Holy Prophet. were last time), is mentioned in Surah al Mâ'idah paragraph 3, which reads:

So the verses of the Qur'an that down to the Prophet Muhammad. is gradually and not all at once. It contains lessons include:
Be more easily understood and implemented. People will be reluctant to carry out the orders and prohibitions, in case the gifts were revealed once more. It is mentioned by Bukhari from history 'A'ishah ra.
Among the verses that there is no one mansukh Nasikh and, according to the benefit. This can not be done if only the Qur'an was revealed at once.
The fall in any paragraph in accordance with events that occur will be more memorable and more influential in the liver.
Facilitate memorization. Idolaters who had asked why the Qur'an was not revealed all at once, as mentioned in the Qur'an Surah al-Furqan verse 32 which reads as follows:

Among the verses there is an answer to the question or the rejection of an opinion or action, as stated by Ibn 'Abbas. It can not be done when the Qur'an was revealed at once.
How the Qur'an was revealed
Prophet Muhammad. in terms of revelation, having a variety of ways and circumstances, including:
The angel's revelation put into her heart. In this regard the Prophet. did not see anything, he just felt that the revelation had been alone in his heart. In this regard the Prophet. said: "Purest Spirit revealed in my heart", as mentioned in surah ash Syuura verse 51, which reads:

Angels appeared to the Prophet. the form of a man who
uttered these words to him, so that he will know and memorize true those words.
Revelation came to him as gemerincingnya bell. This is a very tough way perceived by the Prophet. Sometimes shining sweat on his forehead, although the revelation was in the winter so. Sometimes camels he had to stop and sit because they feel so heavy, when the revelation was dropped when he was riding a camel. Narrated by Zaid bin Thabit, 'I am the author of the revelation to the Prophet. Messenger when I saw Revelation as if attacked by a violent fever and sweat profusely like a jewel. Rudder's after revelations down, then he went back as usual ".
Angels appeared to the Prophet., Not in the form of a man as the state number 2, but apparently really like the original.
It is mentioned in the Qur'an Surah an Najmu verses 13-14 as follows:

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