O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.(Surah al-Baqara: 183)
Fasting commands that are within the following hadith
• Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and expecting reward (the pleasure of) Allah, his sins forgiven previous reply. (Narrated by Bukhari)
• Allah 'Azza wajalla requires fasting of Ramadan and I sunah to doing evening prayers. Whoever fasting and prayer night with expecting reward (the pleasure of) Allah, then he got out of his sins like a new-born baby by his mother. (Narrated by Ahmad)
• Prophet climbed the pulpit (to preach). Stepping on the stairs (level) he first said, "Aamin", as well as pd second & third rung. After prayer they asked him, "Why did the Prophet say" Aamin "? He then said, "Gabriel came and said," Disappointed and lost a reply when your name is called and he did not say blessings upon you "and I say" Aamin. "Then the angel said," Disappointed and losing people who had the opportunity to live with both parents but he did not get to go to heaven. "Then I say" aamin ". Then he said, "Disappointed and losing people who had the opportunity to (live) pd month of Ramadan but are not unpardonable sins." Then I say "Aamin." (Narrated by Ahmad)
• Bad breath is a more fragrant abstinent Allah pd doomsday of musk fragrance (the most fragrant perfume in the world). (Narrated by Bukhari)
• Eat a meal. Indeed eat meal time cause blessing. (Narrated Mutafaq'alaih)
• Human remains in good condition as long as they do not delay breaking the fast. (Narrated by Bukhari)
Mandatory Term Fasting
1. Islam
2. Baligh
3. Rational
4. Stay (not in the way)
5. Strong / able
Fasting Legal Terms
- Saints of menstruation (periods) and postnatal (new birth)
- Fasting in time, knowing the time of the Ramadan with rukyah (see the crescent moon; quite visible to a people or country, then all the world's Muslims should fast. This is the opinion of most scholars and schools, such as the Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali. Opinion This can form a strong unity in implementing Worship fasting, Hajj, Eid Salat and Eid al-Adha).
Pillars of Fasting
- Intention (every night before dawn)
- Ruling,refraining from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse from dawn until sunsetFasting TimeRamadan fasting command is issued from the white thread (Dawn Sadiq) until sunset.
1. Eating and drinking with intentional (including smoking, infusion, etc.)
2. Intercourse (including masturbation / masturbation)
3. Vomiting on purpose
4. Women's menstruation or childbirth when the month of Ramadan
5. People who are fasting but then he was having an epileptic fit (epilepsy) or crazy.
Its not Cancel Fasting
1. Eating and Drinking because of forced
2. Tasting food
3. Gargling /brush your teeth with siwak and toothpaste origin does not enter the throat
4. Bath
5. Supplications
6. Transfusion
7. Junub (hadast large) to enter dawn (sex or dreams).
Adab and Sunnah Fasting
1. Preparing to provide iftar (maghrib time when entered)
2. Breaking with ruthab (dates undercooked) or water (when no other opener)
3. Reading fasting prayer
4. Increase reading Al -Quran and its commentary
5. Doing seclude themselves in the mosque (after the 20th of Ramadan).
Prohibited (Haram / Makruh) in Fasting
1. Denouncing or cursed people
2. Another Muslim Mencaci-maki/menjelek-jelekkan
3. Lying, incite or pitting, perjury, and looked at the woman to lust provoking
4. Siwak, gargle, brush your teeth (during the day)
5. Kissing and hugging his wife with lust (lust)
6. Debilitating physical activity (eg berbekam and others)
Perhaps they were not fasting
1. Musafir (currently travel more than 86 km
2. Severe pain (chronic so strong and fast)
3. Women's menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, and lactation.
Privileged Month of Ramadan
1. Qiyamu Ramadan (salat tarawih)
Salat is legal Sunnah is better done in congregation in the mosque. Number of rakaat eight (4x2 or 2x4) plus Witr with three rak'ahs, based on the provisions of the Messenger of Allah, or 20 cycles (cycles 10x2) plus three cycles Witr pursuant Umar, and has become a "Friend of Ijma '(consensus of the companions) and opinion Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, ash-Syafii and Abu Hanifah, or 36 cycles (cycles tarawih 18x2) plus 3 witr based action during the Ahlul Madina Imam Malik and the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
2. Nuzulul Quran
Occurred on the night of the 17th (essentially surah Al-Anfaal 41) or 24 Ramadan (essentially of Al-Qadr: 1 and Ad-Dukhan: 1-4). Despite the prevalent tradition quran nuzulul commemorated on 17 Ramadan, but the arguments for the decline of Al-Quran-24 night to stronger and more likely to be true, because Tatyana Qadr night as night fall the Koran is not going on the 17th of Ramadan.Indeed Fasting the Holy Quran are two related matters. Hence the scholars of the Muslims first and always increase the frequency of reading the whole Qur'an during Ramadan. Imam Ash-Syafii for example, khatam Al-Quran 60 times and did not include reading verses (sura) in the prayers, during Ramadan.
3. Lailatul Qadr
NightThe night has a tremendous privilege. Worship is done on the night of the value (to account) is better than a thousand months of worship beyond the night (imagine there 83 years plus 4 months). Prophet. commanded us to look at the last ten days (21 to 29 Ramadhan), and for the Muslims in the sunna I'tikaf in the Masjid.
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