Faith is
confirmed with the heart, utter by the tongue, and perpetrate the limbs
(charity). Thus, faith in God is to believe with all my heart that Allah
exists, Allah Almighty. The conviction was pronounced the sentence:
أشهد أن لاإله إلا الله
"I bear witness there is no god but Allah"
As a manifestation of belief and speech, it must be followed by deeds, that the commandments of God and avoid prohibitions.
Pillars of Faith The first is faith in Allah which is the basis of all the teachings of Islam. People will embrace Islam first sentence should say the shahada. In effect the belief in Allah is to man ever since he was born. Even man has expressed his faith in Allah Almighty since he was in the spirit realm. Allah SWT says:
And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware." (Qur'an Al-A'raf: 172)
Long before the arrival of Islam, the people of ignorance also know God
Almighty. They understand that what created the universe and to be worshiped is
the One Almighty Creator, the Almighty Allah. As revealed in the Qur'an:
if you should ask them, "Who has created the heavens and
the earth?" they would surely say, "They were created by the
Exalted in Might, the Knowing.(Surah Az-Zukhruf: 9)
Humans have a tendency to take refuge in the things of the Almighty. The Almighty is the One who set the universe. One who governs the universe has certainly been on top of everything. Common sense will not accept if the universe were very knowledgeable and extremely complex is governed by the One whose capacity is limited. Although man is now able to create highly advanced technology, but humans can not control the universe. With the sophistication of the technology, people will not be able to stop for a moment the earth to rotate.
Essence of God is something supernatural. Human reason can not possibly think of the One God. Therefore the existence of God, we must be confident and satisfied with what has been described through the words of Allah and His Word in the form of evidence of the existence of the universe.
When Prophet Muhammad get news that a group of people trying to figure out and find the essence of the Essence of God, that he forbade them to do so. Rasulullah SAW said:
عن ابن عباس أن قوما تفكروا فى الله عزوجل وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تفكروا فى خلق الله ولا تفكروا فى ذات الله (رواه ابو الشيخ
"From Ibn Abbas RA, we are told that there are some people who think about (the nature of) the One God Almighty Wajalla, the Prophet SAW said:" Think of God's creation and do not think about (the nature of) the One God. "(Narrated by Abu ash-Shaykh )
As a manifestation of the belief in the existence of God, God Almighty is our devotion to Him. Devotion to God is devotion in the form of worship, obedience, and obedience is absolute. Do not devote themselves to other than Allah, nor associate him with something else. That is the true faith. If it is so God willing, our lives will be peaceful. If the heart and soul is at ease, then someone will be brave and resilient in the face of life's twists and turns. Every blessing and joy always gratefully. Instead every calamity and distress are always received with patience.
Basic Faithful To God
a. The trend and recognition of liver
b. Revelation of God or the Koran
c. Instructions or Hadith Prophet
Every human in nature, there is a tendency to believe in his heart that is supernatural Almighty. But with a sense of fellow feeling in nature that is not enough. Recognition of the liver is the basis of faith. But with careful recognition is meaningless without oral speech and limb experience. For the recognition of the liver, oral pronunciation, and the experience of the body is a unity that can not be separated. To achieve true faith is not only based on character recognition conscience alone, but must be combined with the Qur'an and Hadith.
How Faithful To God Almighty
Faith in Allah is the subject of all the members of the faith pillars of faith. By faith in Allah is the subject of another faith, the belief in Allah SWT to be embedded correctly to oneself. For if faith in Allah SWT is not embedded properly, then the incorrectness of this will continue to another faith, such faith in His angels, His books, His messengers, the Day of Resurrection, and His qadha and Qadr. And in the end will destroy a person's overall worship. In the not infrequently we find ways to worship a person who is not in accordance with Islamic teachings, but the person themselves Muslims.
In terms of the general and the particular there are two ways of faith in Allah Almighty:
a. Is Ijmali
How to believe in Allah Almighty who is ijmali point is, that we trust Allah in general or in outline. Al-Qur'an as source tenet of Islam has given guidance to us in knowing God Almighty. Explained, that God is the One Almighty, Most Holy. He is the Creator, All-Hearing, all-powerful, and the Most Perfect.
b. Is Tafshili
How to believe in Allah Almighty who is tafsili, the intention is to trust God in detail. We are obliged to believe with all my heart that Allah SWT has different properties with the properties of His creatures. As evidence is the "Asmaul Husna" we are encouraged to pray with Asmaul Husna and memorize and also permeates the heart to appreciate the meaning contained therein.
أشهد أن لاإله إلا الله
"I bear witness there is no god but Allah"
As a manifestation of belief and speech, it must be followed by deeds, that the commandments of God and avoid prohibitions.
Pillars of Faith The first is faith in Allah which is the basis of all the teachings of Islam. People will embrace Islam first sentence should say the shahada. In effect the belief in Allah is to man ever since he was born. Even man has expressed his faith in Allah Almighty since he was in the spirit realm. Allah SWT says:

And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware." (Qur'an Al-A'raf: 172)

Humans have a tendency to take refuge in the things of the Almighty. The Almighty is the One who set the universe. One who governs the universe has certainly been on top of everything. Common sense will not accept if the universe were very knowledgeable and extremely complex is governed by the One whose capacity is limited. Although man is now able to create highly advanced technology, but humans can not control the universe. With the sophistication of the technology, people will not be able to stop for a moment the earth to rotate.
Essence of God is something supernatural. Human reason can not possibly think of the One God. Therefore the existence of God, we must be confident and satisfied with what has been described through the words of Allah and His Word in the form of evidence of the existence of the universe.
When Prophet Muhammad get news that a group of people trying to figure out and find the essence of the Essence of God, that he forbade them to do so. Rasulullah SAW said:
عن ابن عباس أن قوما تفكروا فى الله عزوجل وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تفكروا فى خلق الله ولا تفكروا فى ذات الله (رواه ابو الشيخ
"From Ibn Abbas RA, we are told that there are some people who think about (the nature of) the One God Almighty Wajalla, the Prophet SAW said:" Think of God's creation and do not think about (the nature of) the One God. "(Narrated by Abu ash-Shaykh )
As a manifestation of the belief in the existence of God, God Almighty is our devotion to Him. Devotion to God is devotion in the form of worship, obedience, and obedience is absolute. Do not devote themselves to other than Allah, nor associate him with something else. That is the true faith. If it is so God willing, our lives will be peaceful. If the heart and soul is at ease, then someone will be brave and resilient in the face of life's twists and turns. Every blessing and joy always gratefully. Instead every calamity and distress are always received with patience.
Basic Faithful To God
a. The trend and recognition of liver
b. Revelation of God or the Koran
c. Instructions or Hadith Prophet
Every human in nature, there is a tendency to believe in his heart that is supernatural Almighty. But with a sense of fellow feeling in nature that is not enough. Recognition of the liver is the basis of faith. But with careful recognition is meaningless without oral speech and limb experience. For the recognition of the liver, oral pronunciation, and the experience of the body is a unity that can not be separated. To achieve true faith is not only based on character recognition conscience alone, but must be combined with the Qur'an and Hadith.
How Faithful To God Almighty
Faith in Allah is the subject of all the members of the faith pillars of faith. By faith in Allah is the subject of another faith, the belief in Allah SWT to be embedded correctly to oneself. For if faith in Allah SWT is not embedded properly, then the incorrectness of this will continue to another faith, such faith in His angels, His books, His messengers, the Day of Resurrection, and His qadha and Qadr. And in the end will destroy a person's overall worship. In the not infrequently we find ways to worship a person who is not in accordance with Islamic teachings, but the person themselves Muslims.
In terms of the general and the particular there are two ways of faith in Allah Almighty:
a. Is Ijmali
How to believe in Allah Almighty who is ijmali point is, that we trust Allah in general or in outline. Al-Qur'an as source tenet of Islam has given guidance to us in knowing God Almighty. Explained, that God is the One Almighty, Most Holy. He is the Creator, All-Hearing, all-powerful, and the Most Perfect.
b. Is Tafshili
How to believe in Allah Almighty who is tafsili, the intention is to trust God in detail. We are obliged to believe with all my heart that Allah SWT has different properties with the properties of His creatures. As evidence is the "Asmaul Husna" we are encouraged to pray with Asmaul Husna and memorize and also permeates the heart to appreciate the meaning contained therein.
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