Meaning of La ilaha illallah
Meaning creed La ilaha illallah is believed that no deserving of worship except Allah, consistent with the recognition and practice it. La ilaha refuse entitlement to worship on themselves besides Allah, whoever the person. While illallah is a determination that only God has the right worship. So the meaning of this sentence is la ma'buda haqqun illallah or no true god except Allah. So wrong for la ilaha illallah means there is no god or gods besides Allah, because there is less. Should include the word 'true' Due to the fact that many worshiped besides Allah. And if the meaning of 'there is no god but Allah' is justified then that means all people to worship any God is called worship, and of course this is a very obvious falsehood.
The meaning of the Prophet Muhammad
While the meaning of Allah's Apostle Creed anna Muhammadar rasululloh are admitted and unseen that he is the servant and messenger, addressed to all of humanity and must be accompanied by his subservience implement Shari'ah is to justify his saying, carry out orders, prohibitions and away from worshiping God only with admonitions.
Pillars and Conditions Creed
La ilaha illallah consists of two pillars: nafs or rejection, which is contained in the la ilaha and ithbat or determination, that is contained in illallah. So with la ilaha abolished all forms of shirk and requires deny any god other than Allah. While the illallah then worship should only be directed to God and should be subject to carry it out. The verses that reveal the two pillars of this lot, which is the word of God in the words of the Prophet Abraham,

Terms la ilaha illallah is:
• Know the meaning.
• Believe.
• Accept.
• Subject to him.
• Ikhlas in worship.
• Be honest in saying it.
• Love it and hate it
Terms anna Muhammadar rasululloh is:
• Recognize the physical and spiritual treatise
• Saying and admitting to oral
• Follow it, by practicing righteousness he brought and left the evil which he forbade
• Justifying the news, either in relation to cases unseen in the past or future
• Loved him more deeply than love of self, wealth, children, parents and all mankind
• Upholding his saying above all human speech and practice the Sunnah / admonitions
Consequences Syahadatain
Consequences Creed la Ilaha Illallah is leaving all forms of worship and reliance heart to other than Allah. Besides, he also spawned the tauhid loving attitude and hate people who commit shirk. While the consequences of the Prophet Muhammad's creed is to obey the Prophet, justifies his saying, leaving the ban, leaving the charity with the Sunnah and innovation, as well as prioritizing the words in greeting anyone. In addition, she also gave birth to the attitude of loving those who are obedient and faithful to the Sunnah and hate those who rebel and create new matters in matters of religion no admonitions.
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