The word comes from the Arabic Hajj and have meaning in language and terms. In terms of language means deliberate pilgrimage, Hajj means in terms syar'i deliberate visiting the Kaaba for worship that includes doing tawaf, sa'i, wuquf and other devotions to fulfill the commands of Allah and His Willing expect during a certain .
Law Hajj
Laws laws regarding Hajj is obligatory legal origin 'ain for the capable. Obligatory hajj, which is due to meet the pillars of Islam and if we "vow" is a vow for Hajj, then it is obligatory to do so, then for Hajj circumcision, which is done at the next opportunity, having been obliged to do Hajj.
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, required of every Muslim who can afford to work. jumhur scholars agree that at the beginning syari'a pilgrimage in the sixth year of Hijrah, but others said the move nine years.
Dalil / Commands On Pilgrimage
1. Al-Quran
Allah says in the Qur'an Surah Al Imran verse 97, namely:
Allah says in the Qur'an Surah Al Imran verse 97, namely:

In it are clear signs
[such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be safe.
And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever
is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is
free from need of the worlds.(Surah Ali Imran 97)
2. Hadith
The Prophet said in a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad which means the following:
"From Ibn Abbas, the Prophet has said: Be ye hasten the pilgrimage, the fact someone does not be aware of, something that will be obstacles in his way". (Transmitted by Ahmad)
Each person is only required to undertake the pilgrimage once in their lifetime, but there is no prohibition to work on more than one occasion.
Terms, Pillars, and Circumcision Compulsory Hajj
1. Terms compulsory Hajj
• Islam
• Baligh
• Intelligent
• Freedom
• Authorization (capable}
2. Pillars of Hajj
Ihram is dressed in Ihram and Ihram and Hajj Niyat
- Standing at Arafat on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah;believe the presence of someone who ihram wear for Hajj,after sunset on day-9 Dhu al-Hijjah.
- Thawaf ie for Hajj tawaf (tawaf ifadhah)
- Sa'i the jog between Safa and manliness 7 (seven) times
- Tahallul; meant shaving or cutting hair at least three strands to the interests of ihram
- Conduct the sequential
Compulsory Hajj
That is something that needs to be
done, but the validity of Hajj is not dependent upon it, because it shall be
replaced by the dam (fines) that slaughtering animals. following hajj
obligation that must be done:
- Ihram from Miqat, namely wear Ihram clothing (not seamless), starting from the places that have been determined, continuously until the completion of the Hajj.
- Overnight stay at Muzdalifah after wukuf, on the night of the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah.
- Overnight in Mina in 2 or 3 nights on Tasyriq (on 11, 12 and 13 Dzulhijjah).
- Throw Jumrah 'Aqabah seven times with a stone on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah performed after midnight and after wukuf Hijjah 9.
- Throw Jumrah all three, namely Jumrah Ula, Wustha and 'Aqabah on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhu al-Hijjah, and threw seven times each Jumrah.
- Leaving everything forbidden because of Ihram.
4. Circumcision Hajj
- Ifrad, namely prioritizing Hajj affairs first before doing the 'umrah.
- Read Talbiyah is: "Labbaik Allahumma Labbaika Labbaikalla Syarikalakallabbaik Innalhamda Wanni'mata Laka Walmulka Laa SyarikaLaa".
- Tawaf Qudum,is tawaaf which do when the starters came on the ground ihram, done before before staying at 'Arafat.
- Prayer circumcision ihram 2 raka'at after completion wukuf, worked primarily behind the tomb of the prophet Abraham.
- Overnight in Mina on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah
- tawaf wada ', ie tawaf is done after the completion of the Hajj to provide good-bye to those who came out of Mecca.
- ihram and dressed all in white.
- stop at the Haram Mosque on 10 Dhu al-Hijjah.
The Implementation of Hajj
1.In Mecca (on the 8th Djulhijjah)
- Bath and berwudlu
- Wearing ihram cloth back
- Prayer circumcision ihram two raka'at
- Niyat Hajj: "Allahumma Labbaika Bihajjatin"
- Depart to 'Arafah
Talbiyah reading, prayers and
Talbiyah: "Labbaik Allahumma Laabbaik Labbaika Laa Syarikalaka Kallabbaik Innalhamda Wanni'mata Laaka Walmulka Laa Syarika Laa".
Talbiyah: "Labbaik Allahumma Laabbaik Labbaika Laa Syarikalaka Kallabbaik Innalhamda Wanni'mata Laaka Walmulka Laa Syarika Laa".
2. In Arafah
- Arafat in time
ought to pray
- Matter of time
before staying
- wukuf (on the
9th Djulhijjah)
• For the implementation of the
pillars of Hajj pilgrims must be in Arafah on the 9th Djulhijjah even if only
for a moment
• wukuf time begins from the time of midday on 9 Djulhijjah until dawn on 10 Djulhijjah
• Prayer wukuf
• wukuf time begins from the time of midday on 9 Djulhijjah until dawn on 10 Djulhijjah
• Prayer wukuf
Departure for Muzdalifah after
- In order not too long to wait until after midnight (mabit) in the congregation should leave Muzdalifah after Arafat Maghrib (Maghrib-Isha in JAMA takdim)
- When departing from Arafat should pray
3. At Muzdalifah (on the night of 10
- When I arrived at Muzdalifah pray
- Mabit, which stopped in Muzdalifah to wait a while after midnight looking for gravel stone as much as 49 or 70 items to throw Jumrah
- Towards Mina
4. In Mina
- Arriving at Mina let pray.
- During the pilgrims in Mina obligation is throwing jumroh and overnight (mabit)
- Time throws jumroh
- Throwing jumroh aqobah time after midnight, morning and afternoon. But preferably after the rising of the sun on 10 Djulhijjah
- Jumroh throw all three 11,12,13 Dzulhijjah on time in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. But preferably after slipping sun.
- Each throw one burst jumroh 7 times each with 1gravel
- On 10 Djulhijjah Aqobah just throwing jumroh ago tahallul (early). With the completion of this initial tahallul, all Ihram restrictions have fallen, but screwed his wife. after the 10th tahallul Djulhijjah if there is a chance let go to Mecca for a tawaf Ifadah and sa'i but must return on the same day and arrive in Mina before sunset.
- On 11, 12 Djulhijjah throwing jumroh Ula, Wustha and Aqobah sequence, then return to Mecca. it was called naffar early.
- For those who are still pilgrims in Mina on the 13th Djulhijjah required three jumroh throw it again, then back to Makkah. it was called naffar Thani.
- Those pilgrims who not yet to pay dam let fulfilled here and for those who are able, let cut animal sacrifices.
- Some of the problems in the Mina congregation to note are as follows:
- Problems Mabit in Mina
- Problems throw jumroh
-throwing evening
-throwing in jamma
-delayed throwing jumroh Aqoba
-delayed throwing jumroh Aqoba
-representing throwing jumroh
5. Return to Mecca
- Thawaf Ifadah
- Thawaf Wada
- Finished doing tawaf wada for the first wave of the congregation, went to Jeddah to return to their homeland.
Implementing Lessons of Hajj
- Every act in the Hajj actually contain confidential, examples such as the ceremony ihrom first point is that man must escape from the passions and face only to Allah the Most Great.
- Strengthen the faith and piety to Allah SWT because the worship is covered by a full khusyu'
- Hajj adding high monotheism soul
- Hajj is a follow-up in mental attitude formation and noble spirit.
- Hajj is an expression of Muslims around the world to race one because it has equal or one creed.
- The pilgrimage is a grand conference of Muslims worldwide, the participants-participants coming from all over the world and the symbol Ka'bahlah unity.
- Strengthen physical and mental, because they are Hajj and Umrah is a heavy worship requires strong physical preparation, cost and requires patience and fortitude in the face of all the temptations and obstacles.
- Fostering the spirit of sacrifice, for the Hajj and Umrah, many ask for sacrifice good treasure, objects, large and generous spirit, energy and time to do so.
- With the Hajj can be used to foster the unity of Muslims worldwide.
Commonly visited places during the pilgrimage to Mecca
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Tawaf |
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Wukuf in Arafah |
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Standing at Arafat |
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Throwing jumroh |
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Rhaudhoh ( Paradise Garden) |
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