Faith To Qadha and Qadr

           Understanding Faith To Qada and Qadar, This time we will discuss the meaning of Qada and Qadar, Faith To Qadha and qadr and Qadha and qadr example. According Qadha languages ​​have some notion, namely: law, statutes, government, wills, notices, creation. According to Islamic term, is a Qadha is the ordinance of God since the time in accordance with the will of god Azali Him about everything that is pleasing to the creature. While the meaning of Qadr by Qadr languages ​​are: certainty, regulations, size. The embodiment according to Islam Qadar is the ordinance of God or the reality of all beings in the form of a certain grade and according to His will of god.

Allah He will say:


He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in dominion and has created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination.(Surah. Al-Furqan 2).

The relationship between Qadha and Qadr

           In the description of the terms Qadha and qadr explained that between Qadha and qadr always closely connected. Qadha is a provision, law or plan of God since the time of preexisting. Qadar is the reality of the provisions or the law of God. So the relationship between qadha qadar like plans and actions.
Acts of God such as His Qadr always in accordance with the provisions of his. In the Surat al-Hijr, verse 21 Allah says, "And it is not nothing but our side was the treasures, and we are not down but with a certain size."
People sometimes use the term Qadha and qadr with one term, namely Qadr or predestination. If any affected person, then that person says, "fate", meaning Qadha and qadr.

Obligation to faith  Qadha and qadr

           It was narrated that the Prophet visited one day by a man dressed all in white, her hair was very black. He was asked about Islam, Iman and Ihsan. About the meaning of faith He replied: Let you believe in Allah, His angels-angels, His books, his apostles, the final day and also to believe in Qadar (destiny) is good or bad. The man said, "Mr. right". (Transmitted by Muslim)
           The man is the angel Gabriel who had come to give religious instruction to the people of Prophet Muhammad. Answer the Prophet was justified by the angel Gabriel containing pillars of faith. One was of the pillars of the faith is faith Qadha and qadr. Thus, the trust Qadha and qadr it is our hearts. We must believe with all my heart that everything that happens to us, both pleasant and unpleasant is the will of God.
As believers, we must be willing to accept the terms of God over us. In a Hadith Qudsi Allah says : "Who is not pleased with me Qadha and qadr me and can not wait to disasters me that I inflicted upon it, then let seek God besides Me. (Tabrani Hadits)
            Fate is the will of god Allah (will of) Allah. Therefore destiny is not always to our liking. When fate upon ourselves as we wish, let us be grateful because it is the blessings God has given us. When fate that we experience unpleasant or an accident, then let us accept with patience and sincerity. We must believe that there is wisdom behind the disaster that sometimes we do not know. Allah is aware of what he had done.

Relationship between Qadha and Qadr with effort
            Faith Qadha and qadr means trust and believe with all my heart that Allah has determined about everything for the creatures. Related to Qadha and qadr, the Prophet SAW said that means the following meaning
"Surely one is created in the mother's stomach for 40 days in the form of nuthfah, 40 days into a blood clot, 40 days into a lump of flesh, then God sent the angel to breathe the soul into it and wrote four terms, is about sustenance, death, deeds, and (his life) miserable or happy"(Bukhari and Muslim Hadits from Abdullah bin Mas'ud).
             From the above hadith we can know that God determined the fate of mankind since before she was born. Although every human being has determined his fate, does not mean that people just stay put and wait for fate without trying endeavor. Human remains obligated to try, because success does not come by itself.
             Do not ever make that destiny as an excuse for lazy effort and do evil. Occurred in the time of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, a thief was caught and taken presented to Caliph Umar. "Why did you steal?" Asked the Caliph. The thief replied, "Indeed Allah has already ordained me to be a thief."
             Hear the answer so, Caliph Umar angry, and said, "What time are people with a whip, then cut his hand." Those who were there asked, "Why is the law burdened like that?" Caliph Umar replied, "Yes, that's in kind. He shall cut off his hand for stealing and must be beaten for lying in the name of Allah ".
             Regarding the obligation sought, affirmed in a story. The prophet Muhammad once happened that an Arab Bedouin came to the Prophet. People came by horseback. Once there, he fell from his horse and facing the prophet, without first tying his horse. The Prophet reprimanded him, "Why do not you tie the horse?." Bedouin Arabs replied, "All right, my sole trust in God." The Prophet also said, "Tie your horse, then sole trust to God".
            From this story it is clear that even though God has determined everything, but people still obligated to tend. We do not know what is going to happen to us, therefore we must do their best. If you want smart, take the education seriously. If you want to get rich, work diligently pray afterwards. With us pray to Allah return all matters to God Almighty. Thus, whatever happens we can accept with pleasure and sincere.

Regarding the relationship between qadha and Qadr with this endeavor, the scholars argue, that the destiny of two kinds:

1.Takdir mua'llaq: the fate of which is closely related to human endeavor. Example of a student aspiring to become an agricultural engineer. To achieve his goal, he studied hard. Finally, what he aspired to be true. He became an agricultural engineer. In this case, God said, "With men there are angels who always followed her turn, in front and behind, they are keeping the commandments of God. Verily Allah is not something the state merobah so they merobah circumstances that exist in themselves. And if Allah willed the evils of something, then no one can resist, and occasionally there is no protector for them besides Him. (Surah Ar-Ra'd verse 11)
2.Takdir mubram, ie fate that happened to humans and can not be cultivated or not at bargain-fresh again by humans. Examples. Some people are born with narrow eyes, or were born with black skin, while her mother and a white father and so on.

Faith Lessons Qada and Qadar

            With faith Qadha and qadr, many precious lessons for us in the world to live and prepare for the life hereafter. Lessons include:
1.Train them selves to a grateful and patient
People who believe in Qadha and qadr, if luck, he will be grateful, because it is Allah's good fortune to be thankful for. Conversely, when exposed to misfortune he will wait, because it is a test
Allah says :


And whatever you have of favor - it is from Allah . Then when adversity touches you, to Him you cry for help.(Surah an-Nahl verse 53).
2.Dissociate themselves from overbearing nature and despair
People who do not believe in making up those Qadha and qadr, when some success, he thought success was solely due to the results of his own. He felt great. If he fails, he is easy to sigh and despair, because he realizes that failure is actually a provision of God.
Allah says :


O my sons, go and find out about Joseph and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah . Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people."(Surah.Yusuf  87)

Word of the Prophet: that means "will not go to heaven who in his heart there is a grain of mustard from the nature of vanity." (Narrated by Muslim)

3.Fertilize nature optimistic and hard-working
Man does not know the fate of what happened to him. Everyone would want a lucky and fortunate. Luck does not come just like that, but it must be cultivated. Therefore, those who believe in making up those Qadha and qadr always optimistic and hard-working man to achieve happiness and success.
Allah says:


But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." (Surah al-Qashas 77)

4.Steady of soul
People who believe in Qadha and qadr allways having peace of mind in his life, because he always felt happy with what God prescribed to him. If you are lucky or successful, he was grateful. If exposed to natural disasters or failed, he perseveres and try again.
Allah says:


[To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul,

Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],

And enter among My [righteous] servants

And enter My Paradise."
(Surah al-Fajr 27-30)

Well, that was  understanding of Qadha and Qadar, how pious and how to practice it. may be useful.
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