عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بني الإسلام على خمس شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله وإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة والحج وصوم رمضان
From Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with both of them (Umar and his son) - he said: The Messenger shollallahu' alaihi wasallam said: Islam is built on five (pillars): The testament (shahada) that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger Allah, and establish prayer and pay the obligatory alms, pilgrimage, and fasting Ramadhan (Hadeeth al Bukhari and Muslim)
In lafadz al Bukhari mentioned before fasting Ramadhan Hajj. Some scholars' claim that narration which mentions the pilgrimage before Ramadhan fasting is a narration meaning. While the sequence, fasting Ramadhan precedence the hajj. This was never confirmed directly to Ibn Umar, and he himself confirmed the order before Ramadhan fasting pilgrimageArticle of Islam
I. Testifying for 2 things:
- La ilaha illallah (There is no god except Allah has the right worship)
- Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
The testament contains the consequences:
- Consequences Creed La ilaha illallah: offering worship to God alone, and to deny all forms of worship to other than Allah
- Consequences shollallahu testimony that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah alaihi wasallam:
- To verify the news of the Prophet.
- To obey commands of the Prophet
- Avoiding ban Prophet.
- Do not worship except Allah Ta'ala Wa Subhaanahu with rules / be thought Shari'a Prophet.
II. Enforce prayer
Prayer that must be enforced is prayer 5 times a day: Dawn, Dzhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha '.
Prayer has the legal requirements, pillars, and the obligations and Sunna.
Terms of legitimate prayer:
- Saints of large and small hadats.
- Saints of filth on the body, clothes, and a prayer.
- Close the genitalia, for men: from the navel to the knees. Women: the whole body except the face and both hands.
- Facing the Qiblah direction.For those who saw the Ka'bah he should face the Essence / object Ka'bah, while for those that are far from the temple facing towards Makkah enough. Exactly corners better, but if not, for the people in Indonesia are facing towards the west (between South and North).
- It's go time of prayer.
- Intention.As has been explained in the first hadith that intention in my heart and where is not pronounced, because there is no admonitions of the Prophet shollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to recite the intention.
Stand up for those who are able, in the obligatory prayers.
For sunnah prayers, why not pray sitting even able to stand, and the reward is a semi-standing
8. Takbiratul Ihram: the words "Allahu Akbar".
Saying "Allahu Akbar" is harmonious, while the movement of his hand is Sunna.
Reading Al-Fatihah
9. Movement bowing
- Minimum: bent knees allowing hands.
- Perfect: bent and your back flat and parallel to the head.
The movement rose from bowing
I'tidal Movement: upright position after from bowing.
Movement prostration.
There are seven members of prostration: forehead, nose, both hands, both knees, fingertips.
The movement rose from prostration
Sitting between the two prostrations
10. Thuma'ninah: calm and unhurried in every movement
11. Reading and sholawat tasyahhud end to the Prophet at the end tasyahhud
12. Movement sit tasyahhud end
13. Regards
14. Sort on any motion
Liabilities in prayer :
Reading takbir than takbiratul ihram.
Speech " Sami'allaahuliman hamidah" when rising from bowing to the Imam and those who pray alone
Speech "Robbanaa wa lakal hamdu " at i'tidal.
Speech "Subhaana Robbiyal 'Adzhiim" at least once during bowing
Speech "Subhaana Robbiyal A'laa" at least once when prostrating
Greeting "Robbighfirlii" at least once while sitting between two prostration
Tasyahhud Early Reading
Movement sit tasyahhud early.
III. Give charity
The compulsory Zakat is 2:
- Zakat ul-Fitr or commonly called zakat fitrah
- Zakat wealth (maal)
Terms of an asset shall being Alms are:
- Held perfectly.
- Achieve nishab (minimum grade issuance Alms).
- Has achieved haul (perfect owned 1 year).
Being Alms treasure is compulsory:
1. Gold and silver (currency).
Nishab gold: about 70-92 grams of 24 carat pure gold.
Nishab silver: about 460-595 grams of pure silver.
Nishab currency comparable to gold.
Issued Zakat is 2.5%.
2. livestock (camels, cattle, goats)
Terms zakat agriculture:
a. Form of seeds or fruits
b. Can be mixed in or weighed
c. Can be stored longer.
d. Has the owner (grown man)
e. Nishab is 300 sha '(about 750 -900 kg).
Agricultural Zakat must be spent each completed harvest by 10% if the water naturally without charge, and 5% if water use costs.
expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and
for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts
together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and
for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the
[stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah . And Allah
is Knowing and Wise.(At Taubah 60)
Group is entitled to receive zakat property is 8 groups mentioned in the Qur'an letters At Taubah verse 60.
Zakat wealth should not be given to people who have were living like a child, wife, parent, because it is required to provide a living for them when they need.
IV. Shoum (fasting) Ramadhan.
Refraining from everything that invalidate fasting from dawn to sunset in the month of Ramadhan
Invalidate-cancellatio fasting:
a. Eating, drinking, and to convey the same eating and drinking (eg intravenous)
b. The relation of husband and wife or issue deliberately mani.
c. Vomiting intentionally.
d. Supplications (including blood donation).
A person who fasts must leave everything that reduces the reward of fasting. Any kind of sin can reduce or cancel the reward of fasting.
V. The pilgrimage to the Holly land (hajj) for the capable.
Pillars of Hajj: Ihram, Standing at Arafat, Tawaf Ifadhah, Sa'i.
Liability Hajj: Ihram (intention) of Hajj Miqot, Mabit in Muzdalifah, Mina Mabit, throwing jumroh Ula; Wushtho, and Aqobah, Thawaf Wada '.
If you do not get along, Hajj is not valid. If the duty is not done, must pay dam (two goats slaughtered in Makkah and distributed to needy people in the area).
The meaning of Transmissions, that narration is not quoting exactly the same wording. That note is the meaning is the same. Therefore, the ord,er of mention of the pillars were not observed. Transmission is through the narrator named Handzholah.
From the point of Ubadah Ibn Sa'd ibn Umar narrated by Muslim:
عن سعد بن عبيدة عن ابن عمر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال بني الإسلام على خمسة على أن يوحد الله وإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة وصيام رمضان والحج فقال رجل الحج وصيام رمضان قال لا صيام رمضان والحج هكذا سمعته من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
Of Sa'd ibn Ubaidah Ibn Umar that the Prophet shollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam he said: Islam is built on five (pillars): Tauhid of Allah, establish the prayer, pay the obligatory charity, fasting and pilgrimage Ramadhan. A man said (to Ibn Umar): Hajj and fasting Ramadhan? (Ibn Umar) said: No, Ramadhan fasting and pilgrimage. And I heard from the Messenger shollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam (Muslim)
Sample of great hadats : having junub after sexual intercourse or a wet dream (ihtilam), haidl and childbirth for women.
How to remove a large hadats is to perform obligatory bath. Levels bath legitimate mandatory, minimum is intended, rinsed her mouth and put water into the nose, and throw water to the entire body.
Is such a small Hadats: discharge anything from pubic and anal (diabetes, flatulence, defecation, madhiy, wadi), sleep soundly, eating camel meat.
How to remove small hadats is wudlu '. Levels wudlu 'legitimate, the minimum is: intend, read bismillah (Sunnah), rinsing the mouth along with putting water into the nose and then take it out, wash your face, wash your hands up to the elbows, rub head and ears, wash both feet up to the ankles.
Wudu 'and bath needs water. If there is no water or not being able to use the water (due to illness or other reasons) then tayammum.Tayammum ordinance are: intention in the heart,
read Bismillah, clapping both hands to the soil / dust once sacred to clap, blow out both hands before washing, and then rubbed the palm of the hand to the face. After that rubbed the palm of one hand with the other in turn, starting from the fingertips to the wrist.
Partially Ulama 'divide into 3 types based on the levels:
1.Mild Unclean
Urine a child not eat anything except milk.
a madhiy: thin liquids, white, sticky stuff that comes out on male genitalia when rising lust.
How to clean enough to sprinkle water to the affected unclean.
2.Unclean were :
a. Form of seeds or fruits
b. Can be mixed in or weighed
c. Can be stored longer.
d. Has the owner (grown man)
e. Nishab is 300 sha '(about 750 -900 kg).
Agricultural Zakat must be spent each completed harvest by 10% if the water naturally without charge, and 5% if water use costs.

Group is entitled to receive zakat property is 8 groups mentioned in the Qur'an letters At Taubah verse 60.
Zakat wealth should not be given to people who have were living like a child, wife, parent, because it is required to provide a living for them when they need.
IV. Shoum (fasting) Ramadhan.
Refraining from everything that invalidate fasting from dawn to sunset in the month of Ramadhan
Invalidate-cancellatio fasting:
a. Eating, drinking, and to convey the same eating and drinking (eg intravenous)
b. The relation of husband and wife or issue deliberately mani.
c. Vomiting intentionally.
d. Supplications (including blood donation).
A person who fasts must leave everything that reduces the reward of fasting. Any kind of sin can reduce or cancel the reward of fasting.
V. The pilgrimage to the Holly land (hajj) for the capable.
Pillars of Hajj: Ihram, Standing at Arafat, Tawaf Ifadhah, Sa'i.
Liability Hajj: Ihram (intention) of Hajj Miqot, Mabit in Muzdalifah, Mina Mabit, throwing jumroh Ula; Wushtho, and Aqobah, Thawaf Wada '.
If you do not get along, Hajj is not valid. If the duty is not done, must pay dam (two goats slaughtered in Makkah and distributed to needy people in the area).
The meaning of Transmissions, that narration is not quoting exactly the same wording. That note is the meaning is the same. Therefore, the ord,er of mention of the pillars were not observed. Transmission is through the narrator named Handzholah.
From the point of Ubadah Ibn Sa'd ibn Umar narrated by Muslim:
عن سعد بن عبيدة عن ابن عمر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال بني الإسلام على خمسة على أن يوحد الله وإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة وصيام رمضان والحج فقال رجل الحج وصيام رمضان قال لا صيام رمضان والحج هكذا سمعته من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
Of Sa'd ibn Ubaidah Ibn Umar that the Prophet shollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam he said: Islam is built on five (pillars): Tauhid of Allah, establish the prayer, pay the obligatory charity, fasting and pilgrimage Ramadhan. A man said (to Ibn Umar): Hajj and fasting Ramadhan? (Ibn Umar) said: No, Ramadhan fasting and pilgrimage. And I heard from the Messenger shollallaahu 'alaihi wasallam (Muslim)
Sample of great hadats : having junub after sexual intercourse or a wet dream (ihtilam), haidl and childbirth for women.
How to remove a large hadats is to perform obligatory bath. Levels bath legitimate mandatory, minimum is intended, rinsed her mouth and put water into the nose, and throw water to the entire body.
Is such a small Hadats: discharge anything from pubic and anal (diabetes, flatulence, defecation, madhiy, wadi), sleep soundly, eating camel meat.
How to remove small hadats is wudlu '. Levels wudlu 'legitimate, the minimum is: intend, read bismillah (Sunnah), rinsing the mouth along with putting water into the nose and then take it out, wash your face, wash your hands up to the elbows, rub head and ears, wash both feet up to the ankles.
Wudu 'and bath needs water. If there is no water or not being able to use the water (due to illness or other reasons) then tayammum.Tayammum ordinance are: intention in the heart,
read Bismillah, clapping both hands to the soil / dust once sacred to clap, blow out both hands before washing, and then rubbed the palm of the hand to the face. After that rubbed the palm of one hand with the other in turn, starting from the fingertips to the wrist.
Partially Ulama 'divide into 3 types based on the levels:
1.Mild Unclean
Urine a child not eat anything except milk.
a madhiy: thin liquids, white, sticky stuff that comes out on male genitalia when rising lust.
How to clean enough to sprinkle water to the affected unclean.
2.Unclean were :
Urine and feces
Animal urine and feces halal meat is not eaten.
Blood menstruation and childbirth
Animal urine and feces halal meat is not eaten.
Blood menstruation and childbirth
How to clean by removing the inherent unclean substances. Either with water or other media, so long gone filthy substances. If the remaining bit of the color is then forgiven, as long as the smell and taste was gone.
3. weight Unclean Dog lick
How clean is to wash 7 times one of them to the ground.
Prayer times:
Dawn: Shodiq from dawn until sunrise.
Dzhuhur: from the sun slips to the shadow of an object equal to the height.
Ashar, have 2 times:
Isha ', have 2 times:
Liabilities are reading or in prayer movement if left intentionally causing prayers void, if by accident, to be replaced by prostration sahwi
Can using lafadz as follows (all based on a saheeh hadeeth):
- Robbanaa lakal hamdu wa
- Robbanaa lakal hamdu
- Allahumma Robbanaa wa lakal hamdu
- Allahumma Robbanaa lakal hamdu
Zakat ul-Fitr is a Muslim zakat must be spent in the form of food before Eid ul-Fitr. Zakat ul-Fitr is only given to the poor. Its size is about 2.5 - 3 kg of staple food (rice). Submission zakatul Fitr earliest was 2 days before Eid ul-Fitr as did Ibn Umar.
Some scholars', including al-Standing Committee found nishab follow silver coin. However, a stronger opinion is to follow the gold, due to: (i) the dose of silver in the time of the Prophet to the present much different, whereas gold is more stable, (ii) If the zakat synchronized with others, such as zakat farms, more appropriate or close .
Allah knows best
From www.salafy.or.id
How clean is to wash 7 times one of them to the ground.
Prayer times:
Dawn: Shodiq from dawn until sunrise.
Dzhuhur: from the sun slips to the shadow of an object equal to the height.
Ashar, have 2 times:
- Ikhtiyari time: from the end of time until the sun Dzhuhur reddish yellow (about 20 minutes before sunset). The time is for people who have a spaciousness. Not to be put off until sundown.
- Time dharuri: emergency time for certain people because udzur can not do at the time ikhtiyari. The time until sunset.
Isha ', have 2 times:
- Time ikhtiyari: from the expiration of the Maghrib until the middle of the night.
- Time dharuri: until dawn.
Liabilities are reading or in prayer movement if left intentionally causing prayers void, if by accident, to be replaced by prostration sahwi
Can using lafadz as follows (all based on a saheeh hadeeth):
- Robbanaa lakal hamdu wa
- Robbanaa lakal hamdu
- Allahumma Robbanaa wa lakal hamdu
- Allahumma Robbanaa lakal hamdu
Zakat ul-Fitr is a Muslim zakat must be spent in the form of food before Eid ul-Fitr. Zakat ul-Fitr is only given to the poor. Its size is about 2.5 - 3 kg of staple food (rice). Submission zakatul Fitr earliest was 2 days before Eid ul-Fitr as did Ibn Umar.
Some scholars', including al-Standing Committee found nishab follow silver coin. However, a stronger opinion is to follow the gold, due to: (i) the dose of silver in the time of the Prophet to the present much different, whereas gold is more stable, (ii) If the zakat synchronized with others, such as zakat farms, more appropriate or close .
Allah knows best
From www.salafy.or.id
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